Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Anarchy, Equality, Humility, Charity, Community

Five Qualities

Anarchy is the natural and optimal state. We have no authority over one another, and we owe no one. Controlling influences rob people of their will. Without rulers, you develop a knowledge of:
No one is better or worse than anyone else. We are all in this together. When you know that your worth is the same no matter who you are, what you believe, or what you've done, you are led to:
Arrogance and Pride are invariably harmful. The Humility that is required to develop friendship also provides:
A willingness to give what you have for the benefit of all, charity is a recognition of the true nature of property. When charity is extended without discrimination, you create:
People can only come together as one when they choose to not consider their differences important. Living united, a community is commanded by only:

Entered into problogger's Top 5 writing project.


Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed that. I love how life can take us into a circle.

Life is awesome

Adrienne :)

Unknown said...

Thanks James for the wise insights. Your generation will really need your wisdom. Mine certainly does,
